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Référence D18154
EditeurA.A. Balkema
Titre Implementation of safety and health on construction sites
EtatBon état  
AuteurLuis M. Alves Dias et Richard J. Coble
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DescriptionImplementation of safety and health on construction sites - Luis M. Alves Dias et Richard J. Coble. Livre de 1996, édité par A.A. Balkema, ouvrage écrit en anglais, 600 pages. This book is the edited Proceedings of the First International Conference organized under the auspices of the recently formed CIB Working Commission W99 - Safety and Health on Construction Sites. Held in Lisbon, Portugal in September 1996. The Conference focuses on the following specific topics: Safety and health regulations and statistics : Planning and controlling construction safety : Social and human issues on construction safety : Health issues in the construction process : Technological innovations in construction safety : Safety training and education. In any country or culture, if the construction industry is going to flourish, continuous improvement of work conditions of construction labour is an essential issue that must not overlooked. Workers must not only be kept alive, but healthy as well. In addition, it must recognize the fact that quality of live for its workers will inevitably affect the quality and productivity of construction. Therefore, as this book summarizes the most recent research on the subject matter by these specialists from a number of different countries, it can be of good use for all those concerned with the improvement of Safety and Health on Construction Sites world-wide. Format 25x18 cm. Livre en bon état, noms et date écrits au stylo en haut de la première page.

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